
Day 65

You can find the map for today’s 7.07 mile walk here and the 3.84 mile Thames journey here

Oh my god! This is it!! The LAST walk! I thought this post would never come. The last couple of weeks have been full of work, procrastination, laziness and holidays. It’s about time I got down to it and finished this up though because I have a new adventure starting soon! More on that later though… For now, may I present:

Day 65! 

I’m not going to pretend to be cool here, I was absolutely jubilant on this walk. Everything I saw was beautiful. Every new discovery was magic. And everyone was my new best friend. It was heaven. I wish I could have that last-day-of-a-big-project feeling every day.

I can’t imagine a better place or a better day to end this challenge. I had a perfect mix of experiences: the Thames, quiet corners, bustling high streets, London icons and hidden secrets. My favourite place of the day was so charming that London Live used it as the backdrop for the interview they did with me a few days later (I was on TV!). I also found a Michelin star restaurant in an old toilet and a surgical theatre in the roof of an old church.

Lots to tell you about! Continue reading

Day 64

Click these links for the maps of part 1 and part 2 of today’s 9.73 mile walk.

The penultimate walk.

I never really thought I would get here.

I set aside the whole day for this walk so that I would not feel rushed on my last day out. I knew this would be a long one and a physical push, but I didn’t expect to feel so mentally overwhelmed by it. I was an emotional wreck all day.


Maybe part of my mental exhaustion was that I was really, really tired from all the walks I had crammed in the previous couple of weeks (four per week, one which was nearly 14 miles), or that I was starving because I couldn’t find a place to eat for most of the day (London definitely has its food deserts).

The truth is probably closer to the fact that I am not good at finishing things, particularly things that are meaningful to me and only me. It was a really big deal to suddenly find that I might actually get through it all and be able to say I did it, and that I did it entirely for me. It was kind of exciting and terrifying and empowering and overwhelming. Continue reading